Eastern Ecopark

The described investment concerns the Eastern Ecopark in Kołobrzeg, which is an ecological site protecting the unique habitats of flora and fauna of the brackish peat bogs. Here are key details about this area:

Creation and Location:

  • The ecological site was established by the city of Kołobrzeg in 1996.
  • It covers an area of 381 hectares.
  • The primary element of the site is the brackish peat bog basin “Solne Bagno.”

Natural Values:

  • The area is valuable for its landscape, geomorphological, faunal, and floristic qualities.
  • It is listed as a bird sanctuary within the European network of protected areas.
  • About 80 species of birds have been recorded, including the red-necked grebe, bittern, and crane.
  • Valuable flora species include common goldenrod, sneezewort yarrow, meadow cress, rustyback fern, marsh speedwell, Gerard’s rush, greater pond sedge, common rue, western waterweed, and white orchid.

Ecological Significance:

  • A feeding ground on the migration routes of wading birds, dabbling ducks, and plovers protected by the European Union.
  • A sanctuary for tailless amphibians, which find suitable enclaves for breeding.
  • A nesting site for mute swans.
  • Majestic trees growing in the forests within the park.

Ecological Disaster (March 24, 2010):

  • The pressure of water accumulated in the Ecopark after spring thaw caused a breach in the dune embankment.
  • Water created a gap approximately 55-60 meters wide.
  • A wooden bridge that was part of a bicycle path was destroyed.
  • The reconstruction and redesign of the rainwater outflow to the sea were financed through the Operational Programme “Sustainable Development of the Fisheries Sector and Coastal Fishing Areas 2007-2013.”

Eastern Ecopark is an important natural conservation area aimed at preserving unique ecosystems and supporting the biodiversity of the region.