Hortulus Thematic Gardens in Dobrzyca

Hortulus Gardens consist of two main sections: the Theme Gardens and the Hortulus Spectabilis Gardens.

In the Theme Gardens, there are nearly 30 different gardens spread over an area of more than 4 hectares. Here, you can find gardens closely related to various types of environments, such as a rock garden or a forest garden, but also those where architecture and style reflect different national cultures, such as Japanese, French, or Mediterranean gardens. A group of sensory gardens designed in the English style also stimulates various human senses.

Hortulus Spectabilis Gardens is a place of entertainment and outdoor education. One of the main attractions here is the world’s largest hornbeam maze, which contains 10 checkpoints for outdoor fun. At the heart of the maze stands a nearly 20-meter tower, from which you can admire the surrounding area and other gardens, such as classical, modern, or innovative setups dedicated to edible plants.

The gardens house over 6,000 species and varieties of plants, including exotic and unique ones. Due to the layout of the Theme Gardens, it is not possible to move around in a wheelchair, but it is possible in the Hortulus Spectabilis Gardens. Both complexes have full infrastructure, including parking lots, souvenir shops, and dining spots.