City Fortification Trail

The tourist trail running through Kołobrzeg, marked in red, encompasses elements of the city’s medieval and modern fortifications, offering insights into the history of the city’s defenses from the 14th century until the end of the 19th century, when the Fortress of Kołobrzeg was decommissioned. The trail is approximately 12 km long and leads through key historical locations related to the city’s defenses.

Route of the trail:

  • Town Hall
  • Armii Krajowej Street
  • Wąska Street
  • Armii Krajowej Street
  • Dubois Street
  • Bogusława X Street
  • Myśliwska Street
  • Fredry Street
  • Nadmorska Avenue
  • Bulwar Jana Szymańskiego
  • Morska Street
  • Towarowa Street
  • Spacerowa Street
  • Solna Street
  • Warzelnicza Street
  • Solna Street
  • Bałtycka Street
  • Śliwińskiego Street
  • ppor. Edmunda Łopuskiego Street
  • Szpitalna Street
  • Młyńska Street
  • Rzeczna Street
  • ppor. Emilii Gierczak Street
  • Polish Arms Museum

Attractions and points of interest:

  • Knight’s Academy
    Established in 1655 by Frederick William, transformed into a Cadet School in 1703, dissolved in 1716.
  • Prison Tower
    Ruins of a tower from the turn of the 14th/15th century, remnants of the medieval defensive walls.
  • Gunpowder Tower (Prochowa)
    Erected in the 15th century, remains of the medieval defensive walls.
  • Fragments of former fortifications
  • Park named after Gen. Jan Henryk Dąbrowski
    Contains remains of modern fortifications.
  • Wolf Fort
    Built in 1806-1807, rebuilt in 1832-1836, now an amphitheater.
  • Stone Redoubt
    Built in 1832-1836, part of the coastal and port defense, now a dining establishment.
  • Fort Ujście
    Constructed in 1770-1774, rebuilt in 1832-1836, currently a lighthouse.
  • Morast Redoubt
    Built in 1770-1774, was part of the port defense system, now a yacht harbor.
  • Solna Redoubt
    Built in 1832-1836, currently a water sports center of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association.
  • Radzikowska Gate
    Established in 1708, part of the modern fortress, led to the west.
  • Batardeau (Dam)
    Served as a bridge, floodgates, and firing galleries; the northern gallery existed until 1988.
  • Polish Arms Museum
    The largest collection of military artifacts in Pomerania, from the Middle Ages to modern times.

Following this trail, tourists can delve into the history of Kołobrzeg’s defenses, observing remnants of both medieval walls and modern forts and redoubts. The trail is marked with directional signs at street name plaques and typical tourist trail markings, which facilitate navigation and allow for a full experience of the city’s historical values.

About route


11.9 KM