Kayaking on the Parsęta River

The Parsęta River, stretching 157 km and boasting I and II water purity classes, offers a relatively easy kayaking route. The upper section of the river may present more challenges due to overgrown willows and fallen trees, adding an extra thrill for adventure-seeking kayakers.

Kayaking Route Details

0-2 km: Wrzosowo to Karlino

Start: The best starting point is Wrzosowo. About 1 km from this location, there is a gentle, sandy descent near a road bridge, perfect for launching kayaks.

Characteristics: This stretch of the river is wide and deep, surrounded by pine forests, making it ideal for camping.

Attractions: After 11 km, the Parsęta merges with the Radew River, a paradise for anglers with dominant migratory trout and other fish species.

3 km: Pyszka

After exiting the forest section, the trail leads through a roadside tree alley in the settlement of Pyszka, where the river changes its course to the south. A 1.5-meter drop can be navigated without exiting the kayaks.

4 km: Miechęcino and Bardy

In Miechęcino, there are two underwater thresholds, one of which is 300 m before the bridge to Bardy, which may be challenging for less experienced kayakers.

6.5 km: Cliffside

After paddling 6.5 km, the river runs along a cliffside.

11 km: Ząbrowo

The river turns northwest, encountering more old riverbeds and cliff slopes. The valley ends beyond the village of Ząbrowo.

19 km: Rościęcino to Budzistowo

After crossing Rościęcino, the valley widens, and from afar, the panorama of Kołobrzeg can be seen. The river becomes wider, and its current slows down. At this segment, the Parsęta merges with the Więceminka tributary.

22.5 km: Kołobrzeg

The route leads through the right branch to the first bridge at Młyńska Street in Kołobrzeg, where the river encounters turbulence and a drop in current, requiring more effort. Remnants of the Baterdau fortifications are found along this route.

26 km: Yacht Port

The route ends at the yacht port in Kołobrzeg. Passing Solna Island, one can view the historic remnants of Kołobrzeg’s fortress, such as the Tavern and Morast Redoubt. The best place to disembark from the kayaks is on the western side of the yacht port, where a slip is located.

Route Attractions

Wrzosowo and Karlino: Scenic pine forests and excellent camping conditions, rich fishing grounds on the Radew River.

Pyszka and Miechęcino: Passing through tree alleys and technically challenging water drops.

Ząbrowo and Rościęcino: Cliffside slopes and a wide valley with panoramic views.

Kołobrzeg: Baterdau fortifications and historical landmarks on Solna Island.

Parsęta offers kayakers unique experiences, combining picturesque landscapes with historical attractions and technical challenges.

About route


34.3 KM